7 Early Odd Signs of Breast Cancer

breastcancer13Consequently, this blog describing 7 signs of breast cancer courtesy of Care.com posted years ago, has been our most popular.  These rare symptoms aren’t from physicians. They are from women who experienced them first-hand.

Many are odd symptoms that would otherwise go ignored.

After this blog was posted, one woman even spotted a symptom in herself, sought medical attention.  Our mutual friend Allison Ziering Wallmark had posted it on her Facebook wall.  The woman learned she had breast cancer, but it was detected early enough to get treatment and she profusely thanked us.

Thank you to Melanie Haiken.

Sharing this again to raise awareness. Also note that 1% of men also get breast cancer. Know the signs and please share this with loved ones.

Next, we’ll share the most innovative ways to diagnose breast cancer as well as treatments available. Make sure to click the red FOLLOW key on this blog (on upper right hand corner) to be updated.


by Melanie Haiken

The earliest and most surprising signs of breast cancer, as described by the women who know: breast cancer survivors themselves.

Breast cancer warning sign #1: Pain in the breast or chest

Whether it’s an ache, throb, twinge, or sharp stab, pain or discomfort in the breast or chest area isn’t a good sign.

How it feels: One breast cancer survivor describes the pain she brought to her doctor’s attention as a “sharp pain that comes and goes.” Another describes it as “a mild electric sensation that went from my left breast to my right nipple.”

What causes it: Breast tumors can take many different forms; there can be a single lump, but there can also be an area of scattered seed-like tumors or an amorphous shape with multiple tentacles extending into the tissue. The tumor might also be directly behind the nipple or in one of the milk ducts. All of these growths cause different types of pain and discomfort.

Scary stat: As many as 30 percent of all breast cancer tumors aren’t lumps, which makes them harder to detect.

What to do: Keep track of when, where, and how often the pain occurs. Tell your doctor, being as specific as possible. Make sure to be clear that this is a new symptom, different from any other sensation (such as the sore breasts of PMS) you’ve experienced before. If your doctor diagnoses mastitis and prescribes antibiotics (a typical response to breast pain), take the full cycle. But if the pain hasn’t gone away, inform your doctor and ask for additional tests. Many women are told repeatedly that they have mastitis before they’re able to make clear to the doctor that this isn’t the case.

Breast cancer warning sign #2: Itchy breasts



This symptom, primarily associated with inflammatory breast cancer, is often missed. You’d be surprised how many women with inflammatory breast cancer spend months visiting the dermatologist, only to be sent home with creams and medications for a rash.

How it feels: Extremely itchy — the type of itch you might have with poison oak or ivy, which makes you feel like you absolutely have to scratch. Except scratching doesn’t help, and neither do the ointments that typically relieve itchiness. Your breast may also feel irritated, or the skin may be scaly or dimpled like cellulite.

What causes it: Fast-growing cancer cells block blood and lymph vessels that feed the skin. The normal flow of lymph through breast tissues is impeded, and fluid builds up in and under the skin.

Scary stat: The median age of diagnosis for inflammatory breast cancer is 57 (54 among African-American women), and it’s typically more aggressive than other types of breast cancer, with a five-year survival rate of 34 percent.

What to do: If the skin of your breast looks odd or your breasts feel different, see your doctor right away. If the doctor suggests a skin ailment or an infection and sends you home with a prescription, return immediately if your symptoms don’t go away.

Breast cancer warning sign #3: Upper back, shoulder, and neck pain


In some women, breast cancer is felt in the back or shoulders rather than in the chest or breasts. For this reason, spine specialists routinely look for the presence of tumors when treating chronic back pain that’s unrelieved by physical therapy.

How it feels: The pain, which is typically in the upper back or between the shoulder blades, is easily confused with sore muscles, a pulled tendon or ligament, or osteoarthritis of the spine. The difference is that it doesn’t go away with stretching muscles or changing position. Bone pain feels like a deep ache or throbbing.

What causes it: Most breast tumors develop in the glandular tissue of the breast, which extends deep into the chest, close to the chest wall. If tumor growth pushes backward toward the ribs and spine, the resulting pain may be felt in the back rather than in the breast. The first place breast cancer usually metastasizes, or spreads, is to the spine or ribs, becoming secondary bone cancer.

Scary stat: According to one study, the five-year survival rate for breast cancer patients whose cancer has spread to the bone is only 8.3 percent, compared with an overall survival rate of 75 percent.

What to do: Pay close attention to how back pain feels. If it doesn’t go away with rest, stretching, or physical therapy, see your doctor. Keep the doctor informed if back pain continues despite treatment, and request a bone scan.

Breast cancer warning sign #4: Changes in breast shape, size, or appearance



Contrary to popular belief, not all breast tumors cause a hard lump close enough to the surface to be noticeable. “Instead of feeling a lump, I noticed that one of my breasts was more oval than the other, hanging down lower and sort of sticking out to one side,” says a California woman who discovered she had breast cancer at the age of 42.

How it feels: Because this change is one of appearance more than feel, your partner may notice it before you do. Or you might become aware of it as you put on your bra or look at yourself in the mirror at the gym.

What causes it: Tissue growth that’s deeper in the breast or masked by dense breast tissue may push out the shape or size of the breast without causing a noticeable lump. If you’ve been told you have dense breast tissue, be particularly alert for this sign.

Scary stat: Mammograms miss up to 50 percent of tumors in women with dense breasts.

What to do: Study the size and shape of your breasts in a mirror. Sit facing the mirror and look at both breasts dead-on, then raise your arms, turn sideways, and look from each side. If there’s a difference in size or shape you haven’t noticed before, bring it to your doctor’s attention.

Breast cancer warning sign #5: A change in nipple appearance or sensitivity


One of the most common locations for a breast tumor is just beneath the nipple, which can cause changes in the appearance and feel of the nipple itself. In particular, nipple changes are often the giveaway for men with breast cancer.

How it feels: You may notice that one of your nipples sticks up less than it used to, or it might have become inverted, flattened, or indented. Women with breast cancer often recall that they noticed a decrease in nipple sensitivity, which is most likely to come to your attention — or your partner’s attention — during sex. Another nipple change to take seriously is discharge when you’re not breastfeeding, whether it’s bloody, milky, or watery. The skin of the nipple may become crusty, scaly, or inflamed.

What causes it: Many breast cancers start in the milk ducts just under and around the nipple, affecting the nipple’s appearance or causing pain or discharge. There’s also a rare cancer, Paget’s disease of the breast, that specifically strikes the nipple. A tumor in the milk ducts, just behind or to one side of the nipple, pushes the skin up around the nipple or pushes the nipple aside. As tumors grow, they may attach to — and thus retract — the skin or the nipple itself. The tumor might also cause irritation and infection, leading to discharge.

Scary stat: The American Society of Breast Surgeons recently released research that male breast cancer is typically identified later and is deadlier than breast cancer in women.

What to do: Because some women have naturally inverted nipples or have discharge during and post-pregnancy, a doctor won’t necessarily notice this symptom. Since you’re the one who knows best what your nipples look like, pay close attention to any changes and discuss them with your doctor. Mastitis is a common conclusion for doctors presented with nipple changes, in which case you’ll be sent home with antibiotics. If they haven’t cleared up the symptoms within ten days, go back and request scans.

Breast cancer warning sign #6: Swelling or lump in your armpit


You know how the lymph nodes in your neck and throat can feel sore when you have the flu? Any pain in the armpit is a sign to check the area carefully with your fingers. A lump under the armpit is likely to be hard and attached to surrounding tissues, so it doesn’t move when you touch it. Or tissue may feel thickened and dense compared with the armpit on the other side.

How it feels: Like a sore or tender spot under the arm. You may also feel a lump, though not necessarily. Affected lymph nodes may feel swollen or tender or develop a lump before a tumor is big enough to be felt in the breast itself. In some women, the swelling is more prominent under the arm or up under the collarbone.

What causes it: The lymph nodes in your armpit are where breast cancer spreads first, by way of lymphatic fluid that drains from the breast. Since the lymph nodes are the first place it’s likely to metastasize, breast cancer is staged according to whether it’s lymph-node positive or negative.

Scary stat: If breast cancer has spread to the lymph nodes, the five-year survival rate declines to 84 percent, as compared with 98 percent for node-negative breast cancer.

What to do: Colds, flu, and infection can also cause swollen lymph nodes, so if you’re sick or have an infection, wait for it to clear up before you worry. But if a lump or tender spot in the underarm area persists for a week with no apparent cause, see your doctor.

Breast cancer warning sign #7: Red, swollen breasts



When your breasts hurt, it’s easy to conclude that it’s the typical soreness of PMS. And if your breasts feel hot or look reddened, you might suspect an infection such as mastitis. But these are also signs of inflammatory breast cancer.

How it feels: It’s as if your breasts have a fever. They may feel swollen and sore, or the skin and underlying tissue may feel hot or look red or even purple.

What causes it: Inflammatory breast cancer is the most likely cause of this symptom. But breast tumors can also push on tissues, causing breasts to feel swollen and sore. In this case, you may also see, upon checking, that your breast is distended.

Scary stat: Once breast cancer has spread beyond the breast (stage IV), the average survival is less than four years. So it’s extremely important to detect breast cancer as early as possible.

What to do: Call your doctor right away about any symptom that could be inflammatory breast cancer. If the pain is diagnosed as mastitis and you’re prescribed antibiotics, you should feel better within a week to ten days. If you don’t, call your doctor and be assertive about additional tests.



Caring.com User - Melanie Haiken

About the Author:  Senior Editor Melanie Haiken, is responsible for Caring.com’s coverage of cancer, general health, and family finance, discovered how important it is to provide accurate, targeted, usable health information to people facing difficult decisions when she was health editor of Parenting magazine. She has written about health and family-related issues for magazines such as Health , Real Simple , Woman’s Day , Yoga Journal , and websites such as BabyCenter.com, WebMD, and the Blue Cross/Blue Shield websites (aHealthyMe.com, aHealthyAdvantage.com) managed by Consumer Health Interactive. Melanie has held positions as Executive Editor at the Industry Standard and BabyCenter.com , and Managing Editor at San Francisco magazine. She has also worked for San Francisco’s renowned Center for Investigative Reporting. She has a master’s degree in Journalism and a B.A. in English, both from the University of California at Berkeley.

Women: Cancer Symptoms You’re Most Likely to Ignore

For More Information please visit http://www.caring.com

Disclaimer: Never delay or disregard seeking professional medical advice from your doctor or other qualified healthcare provider because of something you have read on MedCrunch. You should always speak with your doctor before you start, stop, or change any prescribed part of your care plan or treatment. MedCrunch understands that reading individual, real-life experiences can be a helpful resource, but it is never a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment from a qualified health care provider. If you think you may have a medical emergency, call your doctor or dial 911 immediately.



A Message from Maria Dorfner

I do not have breast cancer or any cancer or anything, but one of the best messages I can tell all men and women is there are a hundred studies proving one of the best methods for PREVENTING breast cancer is daily exercise.

JAMA Oncology reports women who exercise at least 300 minutes a week (walking and housework count!) reduce their risk by 25%.  I posit you can prevent any illness further by taking a look at what you eat and drink.

Good health does come with accountability and responsibility.

If you’re still drinking soda after all we know, then no one but you is accountable when you don’t feel well. That goes for depression or anxiety too. Sugar rushes and crashes aren’t good for your brain. Migraines? Headaches?  My prescription for you would be stop drinking soda and coffee and hydrate your body and brain with alkaline water. Learn how much water someone your height and weight requires and maintain that daily. Return in one month and report back on those migraines or headaches.

Today, physicians are too quick to prescribe you meds for symptoms rather than get to the cause of them.

Clean up what you eat and drink. Find healthy snacks or ones with less junk in them. Drink more water. Avoid processed foods.  Keep sweets to an absolute minimum (celebrations) and take care of yourself mind, body and spirit.

The old adage “moderation is key” IS key.

You can’t have the energy to take of others if you’re not taking care of yourself. No one is responsible for that, but you.

Let’s talk about breast cancer detection. There is a new at home device created in the U.K. and I’ve inquired about FDA approval on it and will let you know.

Visiting your physician for a breast exam is best. If they suspect something, they will order a mammogram.

Let’s Talk About Artificial Intelligence (AI) In Detecting Breast Cancer

Now, let’s talk about dense breast tissue which can miss breast cancer.

Remember, a mammogram may not detect breast cancer if you have Dense Breast Tissue. Many women aren’t even aware they have it.

40% of women have that. Your doctor may not even if tell you. That’s why one fellow Italian woman in Connecticut went to legislatures to make it a law to notify women within her community. Her doctor didn’t notify her and her breast cancer spread because it wasn’t caught early. And she had no prior family history of it.

SO many women I’ve interviewed share similar stories.

The issue is dense breast tissue and cancer or tumors both show up as white on images. It’s like finding a snowball in a snowstorm.  The good news is there is technology to help radiologists differentiate between the two on existing mammogram images.

It’s from a company called CUREMETRIX. You can Google it to find out more information and ask your physician about it. The radiologist is the person who would ultimately use it to read your mammogram images.

It’s frustrating when networks do stories on Dense Breast Tissue or Breast Cancer Awareness and repeat the same information without proving progress being made for patients and providers. It leaves millions of women (and 1% of men) misinformed.

It makes you wonder if the doctor reporting health news is tied to the hospital they work at and have to promote the status quo, rather than what’s best for healthcare consumers.

If mammograms are the gold standard in care, followed by an ultrasound if you have dense breast tissue, why are SO many dying from undetected breast cancer? Why so many call-backs when there’s something “suspicious” on an image. The waiting time between appointments causes women so much stress.

Ironically, stress and anxiety causes your body to go into a state of sickness. It’s the complete opposite state you need. Your body and mind have amazing abilities to heal when you get into a calm state.

There has to be a better way.  

The mammogram image should detect it the FIRST TIME.

As someone healthy, who has no history of cancer in my family, I’m interested in two things in this world. 1. Preventing illness, and 2. Staying healthy. OK. Three things. Helping everyone else in the world do the same.

Since I’m a journalist trained in health reporting I’m aware when you’re not getting the full story. That’s dangerous when it comes to medical/health information.

Mervin Block, one of my writing mentors wrote an article called, “Health News That’s Not Healthy.”  It was in the ’90’s.  I commented on it.

I also wrote about it and it got picked up by nationally by Broadcasting & Cable Magazine. They just recently took the article down to not “offend physicians.”  It was about the conflict of interests that exists when physicians report health news.

I’m not anti physician correspondents. I love them. I’m anti-anyone NOT asking the right questions or doing enough homework to know when vital information is being left out.

It’s one of the reasons I launched this blog.  

There isn’t enough time to tell the whole story. That said, we all know they waste valuable air time on fluff or vacuous banter.

I recently watched a health story that reported a pharmaceutical company was giving people a full refund if a new FDA-approved cancer treatment didn’t work.  

It’s the controversial one costing six figures and up. Story ended there. I knew the pharmaceutical company offered a refund if the cancer treatment was rejected in 30-days.  That’s it. You’re on your own after that.

Big difference. They left that part out.


Stay healthy! Stay informed!

breastcancer13blog contact: maria.dorfner@yahoo.com


44 thoughts on “7 Early Odd Signs of Breast Cancer

  1. Wow that was strange. I just wrote an very long comment but after
    I clicked submit my comment didn’t show up. Grrrr… well I’m not writing all
    that over again. Anyway, just wanted to say wonderful blog!

  2. what causes breast pain and tenderness
    I am happy with your all your articles and blogs. I have learned more and more from your blogs and this one is one of your best other writings.
    Very often women feel tenderness and pain in breasts but fail to figure out why. Breast pain is medically known as mastalgia and it is not related with breast cancer. Thinking what causes breast pain and tenderness, explore the article written below. how can fit your body visit here:- http://www.forgirls.info

  3. How do I get my Doctor to listen to me!? I want to have an MRI or CT scan as I have all of the IBC signs and symptoms. I am 40, no children, very dense breasts and a sister whom is a 10 year DCIS and breast cancer survivor ( yes, it came back 6 mths later in what little tissue was left in the same breast!).
    So between the two of us and our mum we have done a lot of reading in women’s health.

    1. If your physician isn’t listening to your concerns, I recommend seeking a new one. It’s like any other relationship in your life. Good communication is key. One thing you don’t want to do is worry yourself sick. Thoughts are powerful. You, your sister and Mom need think healthy thoughts. Prior to your doctor’s appointment take some time to close your eyes, breathe and imagine good health and healing in your body. Do this every morning and especially when you go to sleep at night. I imagine one of the reasons you want the CT scan or MRI is to help put your mind at ease. You didn’t say what your other symptoms are but make sure you discuss all the above with your physician. It is wise to get a second opinion. Express the above concerns when you make your appointment. Continue to keep your mind free of worry. Hope this helps. Please let me know how it work out. Thank you following this blog.

  4. This is exactly what I was looking for. I am 35 years of age and in the past few days my right breast has been itching below my nipple (no rash or redness) but i have noticed pain in my upper back behind my scapula on my right side. Since its only been recent i thought that it could be related to a pulled muscle or a pinched nerve in my pack that can result in my breast being itchy. Should i wait a few more days before I see the Doctor?

    1. I would schedule an appointment with your doctor right away. Bring along a good log of your symptoms, including when they first started, what you were doing prior to then (activity level, foods eaten, beverages, sleep and when you feel the back pain, itching). You say the itching has only been a few days, so don’t worry as it can even be contact dermatitis (some product you’re using), but do share ALL your concerns with your doctor, so he/she can be sure to do proper tests to alleviate them. Keep us posted. Best.

      1. Hi Maria. Thanks for your advice. I will keep you posted and will keep a log of the things I do and eat. As I say, this is the first time Ive noticed the itch in my breast together with the pain in my back. What Ive noticed last night is that pain in my breast is aligned to where the pain is in my back and its almost like an itch too. Very strange. Will go and see what my Doctor says. Thanks again.

      2. Interesting. I always say to listen to our own bodies, so there must be something to that connection. I’d be real interested in what you learn. While you’re awaiting that doctor appointment I advised you make right away, mediate on light, healing and that it will all be okay. You’re most welcome. Look forward to hearing good news –that this is something temporary that can be resolved.

  5. Hi Maria, Woke up this morning and noticed the place where I was itching had looked as if a bee had stung me. It was a small white circle with a red dot and thought it to be very strange as it was not there on Wednesday when i first started with the itch. Now as I got home today I noticed that I have more bumps developing in the same area. Not sure that is due to me constantly scratching it. So I am thinking it could be a spider bite. Will keep an eye on it.

  6. Hello. I have gone to my dr. And he said there is nothing to worry about. He then sent me over to a surgeon and she said there is nothing to worry about. My left breast fells very heavy and most days has a dull to a very sharp pain for four months. The right breast has started to have the same feel as the left breast. I have had two mammo and ultra sound and I have dense breast level 2. But the dr told me to loss weight, stop drinking pop (I only had one can a day) and to take primrose evening. Did all that and within a week the primrose made me so sick. Then was put on a two week antibacterial and inflammation medication. That did not help at all. The breast does itch but comes and goes. This has been going on for four months now. Last night my shoulder and between my shoulder hurts. All my dr said was I have to live with it the rest of my life. I am 41 years old have two grown boys and a full blown histo when I was 22. I can say this last weekend I was walking in the mountains with my husband and I a,most hit the ground my left breast hurt so bad, I was in tears and my husband was in tears. I am tired of the pain.

    1. I would visit a different physician. Bring your medical history with you. The advice to stop drinking soda pop is good. Even one can a day can harmful side effects. Also, please discuss your daily diet and exercise with him as well. Look up anti-inflammatory foods. Try to stick with what’s on that list. Tape it to your refrigerator as a reminder. Since the physician also advised you to lose weight, it sounds like you may have been over a healthy range when you visited him. I wouldn’t advise anything drastic, but making a few lifestyle changes that you can maintain over the long-run are best. Walking daily, drinking lots of water instead of pop, eating anti-inflammatory foods and getting enough sleep are always advisable. Many women who have had a full hysterectomy have trouble losing weight afterwards, so be sure to discuss this with your physician and get a recommendation for a good nutritionist that you can see regularly. Again, I recommend seeing a different physician and follow-up every 3-months, so you can check in after making lifestyle changes and they can keep track of your progress and symptoms and know if you should be retested.

  7. ma i have notice a seed on the left side of my breast, and when touched I feel pain
    for the past 3years pls ma is there a course for alarm

  8. Can a mammogram detect anything when No lump but severe itch around nipple times years now and armpit?

    Sister stage 3 breast cancer 2 years ago

      1. Good Morning, Cindy.

        I learned it’s quite common for women to never see or feel a lump, prior to a mammogram picking one up.

        So, the answer is yes, it can detect it. I found a site where a lot of women experienced that. It’s interesting. Link below for you.

        Your family history (sister, stage 3) is vital for your doctor to know.

        Also, email me where you’re based –will forward other information that may help. My email is: maria.dorfner@yahoo.com

        Here’s that link. It’s not a fancy site, but women on there are real: https://community.breastcancer.org/forum/83/topics/780482

        Meantime, make self-care a priority. Every. Day. It’s one of the most important things you and your sister can do for your health.

        Even if it’s simply a walk outside in nature. Make it a time to free your mind of worry. Think of all you are grateful for during that walk (ability to walk is one of them!).

        Worrying doesn’t change outcomes. In fact, it releases cortisol. It’s counterintuitive, but you actually want the opposite released during this time. You want all the healing, loving endorphins released.

        Do you know that wonderful feeling you have when you’re in love? Recall that because it’s incredibly healing to our minds and bodies. Even when people are alone, they can still tap into that. I blogged about it and will send you a link.

        Maintain your doctor appointments, but also release worry!

        Everything will be OKAY.

    1. Hi Katherine, I’m so sorry about your classmate, MM. That’s so sad to happen to someone during her formative college years. She may have thought she could beat it and not need to let others know, but I’m sure you would have been extremely supportive during that time. Thank you for sharing that. Heartfelt condolences.

  9. WOW!! Just told everyone how I found out I had breast cancer and it never got posted. Oh well that’s life. Love and prayers to all that are on the same journey

  10. I’m my last post it said 8 weans later. It should have said 8 weeks later. Bloody phone. Haha it’s good to laugh

  11. I have been having a pain that has been coming and going under my left armpit for several months. Recently it has been more persistent. My mom had breast cancer. Should I be concerned?

    1. Thanks for writing, Angela. Of course, worrying never helps matters, so remain calm. You should be concerned enough to schedule an appointment with a physician immediately. You say you’ve been feeling this pain for several months, so it’s been chronic. Time to get it checked. Please don’t delay.

      It’s possible it’s nothing and will resolve on its own, but you want to make sure by getting checked.

      Contact your OB/GYN to examine you. It’s who you go to for your annual Pap smear. If you don’t have insurance, you can find a clinic within your community that offers such services. The important thing is to get checked professionally. Explain the pain, how often you feel it, your family history, etc.

      If that physician feels the need, they will then order further testing, i.e. a mammogram (let them know when the last time you had one) and also ask if you have Dense Breast Tissue.

      If you have Dense Breast Tissue, it is possible for breast cancer to go undetected through a mammogram, which can actually miss up to 50% of breast cancer. If you have that, you want a Radiologist that specializes in Dense Breast Tissue to review your x-rays. They even have AI (artificial intelligence) available to assist Radiologists to read those x-rays today. CureMetrix is one of the companies doing that.

      If you don’t have an OB/GYN, call your General Practioner. They will refer you to one. Meantime, think healing and healthy thoughts and take care of yourself through good nutrition, daily exercise and rest.

      Call your physician and schedule an appointment today.

      1. I scheduled an appointment for next Wednesday @ 9:30 for a mammogram. I’ll let you know what I find out. Thank you for your quick response.
        Have a fantastic week! 😊

  12. My left breast has been paining me for some days now, some times its bearable, other times, I have to bend over and clutch it while swallowing a sharp cry. It itches too, close to the nipple, sometimes its demanding that mere fondling it doesn’t help, I’d have to find a private place and pull it out to itch and sometimes of I itch where I think is itch, I find I am wrong ….it doesn’t soothe neither does it when o switch to itch other places. As for the pain, it comes and goes and I have never kept a log on it….. I figured it was normal, I have had the pain(though not as sharp or painful as now) since my late teenage years, ( I am 22 now) on the same breast. What do you think??
    And for the lumps, does it go away after sometime??? I remember once telling my mum I had something on my breast but I can’t remember now what it was.
    I did see a doctor once about the pain, she checked me said I had no lumps anyway she advised me against mammogram, said I hadn’t breast fed yet.
    Great article by the way.

    1. Based on your symptoms, I’d get a second opinion immediately. Prior to an exam, please print the above message you sent to me and make sure your physician reads it. You have valid reasons to feel concerned.

      Make sure they help get to the cause of your symptoms. No one should dismiss them as normal.

      It can be related to something else, but a good physician should help you figure out that out. Something that you can do to help is start keeping a daily journal of your symptoms. Include details of your activity level, foods you eat, beverages, amount of hours you sleep, and also if you have your menstrual cycle. You should do this for a year regardless. You may end up seeing a pattern of when symptoms appear.

      Any time you have a followup doctor appointment, bring the journal with you. It’s easy to feel rushed during a visit, especially if something that has been a long-term concern is quickly dismissed.

      Please write back and let me know how it goes.

  13. You mentioned a symptom, itchy breasts. My breasts dont itch all over but my nipples do… My bones also hurt when I walk. And I googled a swelling armpit and I feel like I have the swelling armpit. Are all of these signs for breast cancer or is it something else…? I’m only 14, is that a common age for breast cancer?

    1. It can be a number of other things: https://www.webmd.com/women/ss/slideshow-women-itchy-nipples.

      Review this list, and if you’re not able to pinpoint something on this list that could be the cause (try eliminating certain soaps or products to see if symptoms vanish), then talk to a parent and schedule an appointment with a physician about it.

      You say your bones hurt when you walk. I’d need to know more about your daily habits. Are you sitting for long stretches of time? That’s something you can discuss with your physician as well.

      They should ask about your daily activity level, nutrition and sleep habits. A lot of foods and beverages cause inflammation in the body, so it could be as simple as removing a specific food or beverage. Do you consume soda? These are all questions your physician should ask you.

      Have you had your annual Physical yet? If not, ask your parent to schedule an appointment for a General Checkup. Be sure to bring up your concerns.

      Most of all, remember not to worry. Your symptoms are rarely breast cancer. I think you’ll feel better after reading the list of over a dozen other things that could cause itchy nipples.

      Be proactive. Make an appointment anyway and get peace of mind. Writing in to learn more about it is a great step.

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