10 Ways to Avoid Springtime Pet Allergies

We all love our pets.  But Spring cleaning may stir up more irritants than usual.  

Here’s how to avoid pet allergies.

1.  KEEP PETS OUT OF YOUR BED.   As cozy at it might be to snuggle up with Moses, your best bet is to keep your pup out of the bedroom, day & night.

2.  USE THROW RUGS INSTEAD OF CARPETS, which trap pet dander. If you can’t remove the dander-trapping carpets, steam clean frequently.

3.  WEAR A DUST MASK WHEN YOU VACUUM. Use one with a HEPA filter.  You can find the masks at hardware stores.

4.  HAVE SOMEONE ELSE CHANGE LITTER BOXES, CLEAN CAGES & BRUSH PETS.  Have them all done outside your home.  I don’t know who.  But, I wish I had known that stay allergen-free rule when I was doing that all myself.  

"I don't always poop. But when I do, I make sure it's right after you clean the litter box."

5.  BATHE YOUR PET WEEKLY which will reduce levels of allergens. I guess the same person who brushed your pet can rub-a-dub bathe them too.

6.  WASH BEDDING AT TEMPS HIGHER THAN 130 degrees F  TO KILL ALLERGENS.  Again, that same person can’t forget laundry!  🙂

I asked Pet Expert, Wendy Diamond for her specialized tips.  She added the following. She reinforces the bathing & No Pet Zone in bedrooms:

7.  Mutt Makeover Time! Tame allergens by bathing pets, removing the allergens that accumulate in fur.  Be careful not to bathe too often as frequent bathing can dry out your pet’s coat and ask your vet or groomer for the safest product(s) for your specific pet.

8.  Who Knew? Dogs often get “atopy”, where they inhale allergens that cause excessively itchy skin, known as pruritis.  Medications and immunotherapy (de-sensitizing shots) can let you and your pet live with less scratching, dander, and obviously allergy reactions!

9.  Don’t Smell The … Although your garden may be gorgeous to look at and fun for your dog or cat to sniff, certain flowers and plants such as oleander, azales, and lilies of the valley, if ingested by pets can be toxic.  Research before planting.

10.  No Pet Zone. If you do have pet allergies, keep pets out of at least one room, preferably the bedroom (easier said than done, training and treats will help here).  Use hypoallergenic fabrics (materials), allergen removing central air  in your “no pet zone”.

For the Best that Pet Lifestyle and animal welfare has to offer follow Wendy and Lucky Diamond on FacebookTwitterand at AnimalFair.com!

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